The 8th Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry will be held at the Universidad de La Frontera, Campus Pucón, located at 78 Caupolicán Street, Pucón, Araucanía Region, Chile.
The Research Center Geometry at the Frontier is pleased to announce the 8th Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry, which will take place from December 10th to 15th, 2023, in Pucón, Chile. The program consists of eight plenary talks and four special sessions on Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Algebraic Surfaces and Riemann Surfaces.
The Iberoamerican Geometry Congress (IGC) has a history of bringing together researchers and students from various mathematical communities in America, Spain, Portugal, and other regions of the world. The aim is to foster an exchange of ideas between mathematicians in different fields, connected by the geometry of Riemann surfaces, abelian varieties and related areas.
Registration Fee: 60 USD (50.000 CLP / 55 EUR)
Payment Option:
On-site Payment in Pucón: The only available payment option for the registration fee is to make the payment in cash in person. Please note that the payment should be made in cash on the first day of the event when you register in Pucón (Monday, December 11th, from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.)
1. The Registration Fee only includes the cost of coffee breaks and printed material.
2. Every participant must pay the Registration Fee. This fee is the same for everyone, regardless of their status (professor, student, postdoc, etc.)
A Brief History
ICG have a history of more than 35 years. It was in 1987 when several geometers from Chile, México, Spain and the United States met at a congress on Riemann surfaces held in Trieste, and decided to have periodic work meetings; Rubí E. Rodríguez and Sevin Recillas started to think about organizing a geometry meeting of Iberoamerican scope. From this idea the first workshop was born. Its name was “Workshop on Abelian varieties and Theta Functions”, the place of birth Morelia (México) and the date july 1996. Indeed, in that occasion José María Muñoz took part and soon afterwards Irwin Kra also joined the idea. These four friends launched the project of carrying out such a congress periodically and rotating in venue.
Their efforts paid off in 1998, when the first Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry was held in Olmué (Chile). It was later organized in 2001 (Guanajuato, México), 2004 (Salamanca, Spain), 2007 (Ouro Preto, Brazil), 2010 (Pucón, Chile), 2014 (New York, USA), 2018 (Valladolid, Spain).
The congress proceedings have been published by Contemporary Mathematics in several occasions. In each congress, the interest and participation of geometers from Iberoamerica and other regions of the world have grown substantially, and the congress has become very dynamic with a high academic standard, with more and more mathematical fields being represented with lectures on exciting recent developments.

Alicia Dickenstein
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Andrés Navas
University of Santiago, Chile

Valentino Tosatti
New York University, USA

Javier Fernández de Bobadilla
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain

Mihnea Popa
Harvard University, USA

Ravi Vakil
Stanford University, USA

Luna Lomonaco
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA), Brazil

Cecília Salgado
University of Groningen, Netherlands
Plenary talks (Abstracts)
Alicia Dickenstein
Sparse systems with high local multiplicity
Consider a sparse system of \(n\) Laurent polynomials in \(n\) variables with complex coefficients and support in a finite lattice set \(A\). The maximal number of isolated roots in the torus of the system is known to be the normalized volume of the convex hull of \(A\) (the BKK bound). We explore the following question: if the cardinality of \(A\) equals \(n+m+1\), which is the maximum local intersection multiplicity at one point in the torus in terms of \(n\) and \(m\)? This study was initiated by Gabrielov in the multivariate case. In joint work with Frédéric Bihan and Jens Forsgård, we give an upper bound that is always sharp for circuits and, under a generic technical hypothesis, it is considerably smaller for any codimension \(m\). We also present a particular sparse system with high local multiplicity with exponents in the vertices of a cyclic polytope and we explain the rationale of our choice. Our work raises several interesting questions.
Javier Fernández de Bobadilla
Symplectic degenerations at radius 0 and their applications
Given a normal crossings degeneration \(f:(X,\Omega_X)\to\Delta\) of complex Kahler manifolds, in recent work together with T. Pelka, we have shown how to associate a smooth locally trivial fibration \(f_A:A\to \Delta_{log}\) over the real oriented blow up of the disc \(\Delta\). It is moreover endowed with a closed \(2\)-form \(\omega_A\) giving it the structure of a symplectic fibration. The restriction of \(\omega_A\) to every fibre of \(f_A\) “at positive radius” (that is over a point of \(\Delta\setminus\{0\}\) is the modification by a potential of the restriction of \(\omega_X\) to the same fibre. The construction is so that:
(1) We can produce symplectic representatives of the monodromy with very special dynamics, and based on this and on a spectral sequence due to McLean prpve the family version of Zariski’s multiplicity conjecture.
(2) If \(f\) is a maximal Calabi-Yau degeneration we can produce Lagrangian torus fibrations over a the complement of a codimension 2 set over the (expanded) essential skeleton of the degeneration, satisfying many of the properties conjectured by Kontsevich and Soibelman.
Luna Lomonaco
Rational maps, kleinian groups and correspondences
The analogies between the iteration of holomorphic maps and the action of Kleinian groups are numerous.
In this talk we will discuss how these two worlds can be combined together. More precisely, we will see how the dynamics of rational maps and kleinian groups can be united in a holomorphic correspondence.
Andrés Navas
On the geometry and topology of diffeomorphisms groups
In this talk, I will discuss some topological and geometric properties of diffeomorphisms groups that are hard to tackle via classical methods because of the lack of local compactness. In particular, I will elaborate on Gromov’s notion of distortion in this context. I will also draw the ideas of a result recently obtained in collaboration with Hélène Eynard-Bontemps (Ins. Fourier, Grenoble): The space of pairs of twice-differentiable commuting diffeomorphisms of \(1\)-manifolds is path-connected.
Mihnea Popa
When do varieties map to each other?
A basic question in algebraic geometry is whether there can be any non-constant maps between (smooth, projective) varieties of different types. I will explain some basic and some more sophisticated obstructions to the existence of such maps, the latter revolving around the notion of Kodaira dimension of an algebraic variety. I will also discuss some recent conjectures.
Cecília Salgado
Mordell-Weil rank jumps on families of elliptic curves
Valentino Tosatti
The volume function on projective varieties
The volume of a line bundle on a smooth projective variety is a rough measure for the asymptotic growth of the dimension of the space of sections of its high tensor powers, and line bundles with positive volume are called big. The volume extends naturally to a continuous function on the real Neron-Severi group, which vanishes outside the big cone and is \(C^1\) differentiable inside of it, by work of Boucksom-Favre-Jonsson and Lazarsfeld-Mustata. An interesting question is then to understand the behavior of the volume near the boundary of the big cone. More precisely, given \(D\) a pseudoeffective \(R\)-divisor with volume zero and \(A\) an ample divisor, what is the behavior of the function \(vol(D+tA)\) as \(t\) decreases to zero? I will discuss joint work with Simion Filip and John Lesieutre where we construct examples where this volume function is \(C^1\) but not better, and answer negatively questions of Lazarsfeld, Fujino and others.
Ravi Vakil
Bott periodicity, algebro-geometrically
I will report on joint work with Hannah Larson, and joint work in progress with Jim Bryan, in which we try to make sense of Bott periodicity from a naively algebro-geometric point of view.
Special Sessions
Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry
Session Organizers
Robert Auffarth
Universidad de Chile, Chile
Juan Carlos Naranjo
University of Barcelona, Spain
Dynamical Systems
Session Organizers
Mónica Moreno Rocha
CIMAT, México
Felipe Riquelme
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
Algebraic Surfaces
Session Organizers
Michela Artebani
Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Patricio Gallardo
University of California, Riverside, USA
Riemann Surfaces
Session Organizers
Paul Apisa
University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA
Sebastián Reyes Carocca
Universidad de Chile, Chile
December 10th – 15th, 2023
Monday, December 11th
Tuesday, December 12th
Wednesday, December 13th
Thursday, December 14th
Friday, December 15th
9:30 – 11:00
Special session talks:
S1 – S2 (*)
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Alicia Dickenstein (10:00 – 11:00 hrs.)
Special session talks:
S1 – S3 – S4 (*)
Special session talks:
S3 – S4 (*)
11:00 – 11:30
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Mihnea Popa
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Cecília Salgado
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Javier Fernández de Bobadilla
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Luna Lomonaco
Special session talks:
S1 – S2 (*)
12:30 – 15:00
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
15:00 – 16:00
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Ravi Vakil
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Andrés Navas
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Valentino Tosatti
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00
Special session talks:
S3 – S4 (*)
Special session talks:
S3 – S4 (*)
Special session talks:
S1 – S2 – S4 (*)
18:15 – 20:00
Opening Ceremony
* Special session talks
S1: Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry
S2: Dynamical Systems
S3: Algebraic Surfaces
S4: Riemann Surfaces
December 10th – 15th, 2023

Join us at the MATH-AmSud School on Geometry: Group Actions, Symmetries, Moduli and Beyond. This Satellite School on Geometry will take place from December 4th to 7th in the city of El Quisco (Valparaíso region). To learn more, click here.
Scientific Committee
Ángel Carocca
Samuel Grushevsky
Laura DeMarco
Francisco Plaza Martín
Alexis García Zamora
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas,
Rubí E. Rodríguez